Congrats! You found the secret page!

Now, I’m just one man, making a website, but I want to share with you a little secret:

There’s a story John Clapp, a professor in the program, tells that I love. A studio came to visit and give portfolio reviews, and was looking over a student’s portfolio. Now, keep in mind, this student wants a job at this studio, and has gone through years of difficult training to get a job at a studio like this. As the recruiter talks about what they’re looking for in an artist, the student’s face lights up. He gets really excited and says, “Oh! That doesn’t sound like me at ALL! But it totally sounds like my friend!” And he goes and grabs his friend’s portfolio, and tries to convince this recruiter to hire his friend instead. To me, that’s what makes the club special.

I’m so grateful that I’ve gotten to be a part of this community. The club isn’t perfect, the program isn’t perfect, but these people support each other, trust each other, and work hard. And I think that’s so so special.


Ryan Johnson

Social Media Coordinator 2019-2020