What is the Shrunkenheadman Club?
The Shrunkenheadman Club is the Animation/Illustration club of San Jose State University. The club provides a multitude of services, from our regular figure drawing sessions to industry guest lecturers and SHM-Con, our annual alumni convention. Formed in 1995, the club is dedicated to keeping our members and community well informed and excited about art and the industry. Our alumni have built a reputation within the screen arts (television, feature film, and video game industries) as humble, hardworking, hungry and honest animators and illustrators.
Club History
The Shrunkenheadman Club was formed in 1995 to establish a forum to nurture the level of student camaraderie and to support the Animation/Illustration faculty.
In the early planning stages of the club, the name Shrunkenheadman was considered. It was inspired by a random drawing in one of David Gustlin’s (former student, now current faculty member) sketchbooks. Though debated at first, the name was selected to set it apart from other campus student organizations. It was felt that the club name should be as creative and unorthodox as those who pride themselves as being a part of it. As strange as the name was, over time it proved to be very appropriate. While extremely talented and competitive, the Shrunkenheadmen always try to remain humble... never displaying big egos, or swelled heads.
The Shrunkenheadman logo was taken from a skull-shaped paint splotch found on one of the classroom stools. It was photocopied, a mouth was added, and it has adorned Shrunkenheadman shirts and swag ever since.
A group of students pictured with The Stool